

  • Tailoring the Ratio of A-Site Cations in Pr1–xNdxBaCo1.6Fe0.4O5+δ to Promote the Higher Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity for Low-Temperature Solid …

    Inyoung Jang, Hyungjun Lee, Rizcky Tamarany, Heesung Yoon, Chanho Kim, Sungmin Kim, Chan-Woo Lee, Taeseup Song, Ungyu Paik
  • Enhanced reliability of planar-type solid oxide fuel cell stack incorporating leakage gas induction channels

    Sungmin Kim, Inyoung Jang, Chanho Kim, Hyungjun Lee, Taeseup Song, Heesung Yoon, Ungyu Paik
  • Facile Growth of Metal-Rich Cu1.75S and Cu1.8S Microspheres Assembled with Mesoporous Nanosheets and Their Application in Na-Ion Batteries

    Hyunjung Park, Jiseok Kwon, Jeongheon Kim, Keemin Park, Taeseup Song, Ungyu Paik
  • Trajectories, diffusion, and interactions of single ceria particles on a glass surface observed by evanescent wave microscopy

    Jihoon Seo, Akshay Gowda, Panart Khajornrungruang, Satomi Hamada, Taeseup Song, Suryadevara Babu
  • Copper nitride nanowires printed Li with stable cycling for Li metal batteries in carbonate electrolytes

    Dongsoo Lee, Seho Sun, Jiseok Kwon, Hyunjung Park, Minchul Jang, Eunkyung Park, Byoungkuk Son, Yeongil Jung, Taeseup Song, Ungyu Paik
  • Hot corrosion behavior in thermal barrier coatings with heterogeneous splat boundary

    Dowon Song, Taeseup Song, Ungyu Paik, Guanlin Lyu, Yeon-Gil Jung
  • Sintering behavior and phase transformation of YSZ-LZ composite coatings

    Guanlin Lyu, In-Soo Kim, Dowon Song, Hyeon-Myeong Park, Jun Seong Kim, Taeseup Song, Sangwon Myoung, Yeon-Gil Jung, Jing Zhang
  • High Rate Capability of a LiNi₀. ₈₄Co₀. ₁₂Mn₀. ₀₄O₂ Cathode with a Uniform Conducting Network of Functionalized Graphene Nanoribbons for Li-Ion Batteries

    Donghyeok Shin, Hyunjung Park, Seungwoo Lee, Ungyu Paik, Taeseup Song
  • Find it @ Hanyang Facile ex situ formation of a LiF–polymer composite layer as an artificial SEI layer on Li metal by simple roll-press processing for carbonate electrolyte-based Li metal batteries

    Seho Sun, Seungcheol Myung, Gaeun Kim, Dongsoo Lee, Hyunsu Son, Minchul Jang, Eunkyung Park, Byoungkuk Son, Yeon-Gil Jung, Ungyu Paik, Taeseup Song
  • Publisher correction: graphene oxide quantum dots derived from coal for bioimaging: facile and green approach

    Sukhyun Kang, Kang Min Kim, Yong Son, Sungwook Mhin, Jeong Ho Ryu, Kwang Bo Shim, Byoungsoo Lee, HyukSu Han, Taeseup Song